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Whose Wealth?

There has never been any doubt that health is wealth. The question is "who's wealth".Emerging facts suggest that rather than have us healthy so that we can engage in weath creating activities, which is the sense of that adage there are interests that would rather have you and me sick so that we can continue to manage otherwise curable diseases, thereby making them wealthy. The internet is a powerfull tool against such evil machinations against our health and I and fellow health crusaders are determined to use it maximally. Be my guest !

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Project Greenlife way to health !

What is Project GreenLife...

It all began with the proverbial question... "What if"? If I had to sum Project GreenLife into two words, it might be those. But two words are not enough to explain what Project GreenLife really is. First we must lay some ground work.

Did you know your body, which is comprised of about 60 trillion cells, completely recreates itself at a cellular level every seven years? Actually, recent studies indicate that most of our body is recreated in less than a single year. It's just that some cellular structures take longer, like our bones and the rods and cones of our eyes.

If this is true, then it stands to reason that anyone who has the time, knowledge and fortitude could make for themselves an entirely new body. Sound exciting? It is! Believe it or not, it can be done! Need a new liver, colon, or heart? How about an entire new lease on life?

So, what does your body recreate itself from? The answer has been around for a long time. You've probably even heard yourself say it a few times... "You are what you eat". This is true, but we are also what we drink, what we breathe, what we bathe in, and so on.

Our bodies are amazing! If we don't have the materials we need to recreate a cell from scratch, our body will compromise on our behalf and use whatever spare parts are lying around. This could be bad news if you're eating fast food drenched in plastic fats and chasing it with neurotoxins we've been trained to call "artificial sweeteners".

So back to that first question: What if? "What if I gave my body only the strictest and purest ingredients to build new cells from? What if I limited my intake to the purest form of 'cell food' so there was no waste, no bi-products, no toxins, no unnecessary load; only the things my body required to recreate every cell optimally from scratch? What if I pledged one or even seven years to this end? What might be the outcome, both physiologically and consciously, of such a drastic and personal experiment?" Well... wanna find out?

Feel free to read that last paragraph over again. It is the basis of Project GreenLife. Its the big "What if?" The question is, are you adventurous enough to find out? Are you brave enough to face your personal addictions long enough to discover a new life, the life you were meant to live, the "living being" you were born to be?

So there you have it... the answer to "What is Project GreenLife"? Project GreenLife is the Great Adventure in Health & Consciousness. So why is it called "Project GreenLife"? Consider, it's the first warm breaths of Spring that turn worlds of colorlessness to every shade of green, budding inwardly and outwardly with every new form of life. Its a metaphor with an immeasurable morphic field rich in beauty and wonder. There are other good reasons we've called it "GreenLife", but this will suffice for now.

So here is your official invitation to join The Project GreenLife Movement and begin living a life that you may have forgotten since your youth. It won't be easy, but it gets easier as each addiction falls away... as your body is quickened to new heights of youthfulness and as your mind awakens to new levels of awareness. As ol' Ellis Redding (aka "Red") said to Andy Dufresne in Stephen King's classic, "Shawshank Redemption"... "Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'."

Welcome to Project GreenLife!
Your Friend in the Journey- dudumodu- in conjunction with The Staff of PGL International, LL

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* MMS- What you and your loved ones need to know (e-book)

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